Sunday, September 20, 2009

Starting Something New Over Again

September has special meanings for those of us who spent lots of years going to school, and who enjoyed it. I loved getting ready for a new round of classes and teachers, buying new books (except for the money!), and meeting new classmates with whom and from whom to learn. Another year, the next level, new challenges, new opportunities.

Then there's that autumn thing: Crunchy leaves under your feet, the emotions of watching a year die and knowing that the winter is coming on.

Well, I'm not going to school this year, but even now things change in September. Vacation times are over, and rounds of meetings are starting up again. There are new people to meet, and new challenges to face. All of this September anticipation brings me to ask you some questions:

  • What are you learning right now, in your life?
  • What are you reading?
  • What are you writing?
  • What are you doing to meet new people and new challenges?
  • What are you doing to make yourself better?
  • What are you doing to make the world better?
Please use the comment feature of this blog to let me know what you are doing and reading. I'm always finding out about new books and sites from others, and I love to learn about new things. Here's a quick list of blogs I'm following, and I also share from Google Reader.

Reach up and grasp something higher than you have before. Learn, do, change. Make this September the beginning of a new semester of your life.

Give it some thought.


  1. Yes Roy I remember well my school days and returning in September to a new start. It was a fresh start, a clean slate, a chance to do some things better and to prove my self in new ways. Life after school gives us those same opportunities if we only take advantage of them, and we should. Thanks for the reminder Roy.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Terry. Yes, we can all choose to begin anew, any time. And, we can all go to the bookstore! (That's the best part, isn't it?)
